Tag Archives: Paintings

Blean Woods in Kent – paintings by Ric W. Horner

Blean Woods Nature Reserve is an ancient, semi-natural woodland recognised as site of international importance for wildlife, situated to the north of Canterbury. It has recently come into the firing line since the University of Kent has proposed building a new development of 2,000 houses, shops and offices on a 100 acre greenfield site in the heart of this beautiful area.

Ric has created many beautiful paintings of Blean over the years, highlighting the stunning natural wonders on our doorstep. He hopes to bring awareness to the area’s unique energy, important heritage and the need for protection. He has recently reproduced greeting cards some of some of his original paintings that you can order from the link below:

Blean Woods Card Collection (9 cards)

Ric is currently in communication with Meadow Grange Nursery on Honey Hill, half-way between Whitstable and Canterbury, who has expressed an interest in stocking some of these cards in their new café. He might also make some of them available as framed prints for this local garden centre.

Furthermore, he has also been recommended for a progressive group exhibition as part of the Wild About Whitstable Week from 12th to 17th August 2024 at Bruce Williams Gallery – 66 Whitstable High Street which wishes to showcase the beauty of nature and bring awareness to the sewage pollution in the Whitstable coastal area. Wild About Whitstable is a week of nature-based events in and around the town and the beach. There will be walks, talks and workshops, including family friendly events.

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Greeting cards of Salcombe

The UK coastline is one of the most beautiful in Europe and has a huge number of sailing towns that range from rocky and scenic to stylish and dramatic. It’s destinations are known to, and admired by many visitors from around the world. You just can’t beat the rugged cliffs and lush green landscape of England, which is unofficially the ‘home of sailing’ and it has a long and glorious tradition of boat building and for rearing fine sailors. Salcombe on the South Devon coast is particular scenic with lovely spots for sailing traditional boats and classic yachts.

Salcombe dusk

Salcombe is known for its outstanding views, rolling surrounding countryside, breath-taking natural beauty, sparkling turquoise waters and rugged cliffs. Once a major port for the fruit trade, it has now found fame as a safe haven for family holidays. The Salcombe Town Regatta takes place every year for one week in late July/early August. This year it will be on from 3rd – 10th August 2024 and many visitors and yachtsmen are expected.

Ric has recently created a range of greeting cards made from his original paintings of Salcombe, which were initially produced between 2017 and 2018 for the Tonic Gallery (at the time based in Island Street). At present this arrangement has paused, however the gallery is still operating from a new location in 7-9 Union St, Salcombe TQ8 8BZ. (tonicgallery.co.uk)

Below is Ric’s Salcombe Greeting Card Collection. They can be ordered from this website via the link above, or by clicking on the images.


Please note, the selection below includes 3 card designs of Eryri (Snowdonia). They can be removed, or exchanged if required.

Some of the large, stormy paintings that were in the exhibition at the Tonic gallery are still available. Please view the front page for more details. If you are a retailer and interested in stocking some of Ric’s cards, get in touch. Alternatively, you can also order a catalogue to view the whole range of cards on offer.

Salcombe Harbour, 26 x 26cm, oil on canvas – available

Many thanks.



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Artists Open Houses 2023

Ric works in a modern classical way and creates atmospheric, light-filled land and seascapes. The sublime light of his paintings is characteristic of a style called Luminism. He takes part every year in the East Kent Artist’s Open Houses (https://ekoh.org.uk/whitstable).

If you’ve missed this event last October, get in touch to arrange a studio visit. He and his partner were in house 13 on the Whitstable trail. For directions go to:  https://ekoh.org.uk/…/65-joy-lane-sherrins-alley…/ 

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Show Off gallery Whitstable

Ric has exhibited his extraordinarily atmospheric British land & seascapes last August in Harbour Street, Whitstable. For interest in any of the remaining pieces visit the page Available Paintings, or contact him at tel. 07835294317/ enquiries@richorner.com.

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Ilfracombe Harbour paintings

From 2015 – 2022 Ric was represented by Gallery Jessica Dove in 8 High Street Ilfracombe, North Devon. Sadly, this shop is no longer open.



This little gouache painting called ‘Yorkshire Landscape’ was purchased by     Michael Gallagher –  Head of Conservation at the MET – Museum of Modern Art in New York, while on display at Jessica’s gallery.






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Pompeii: An exhibition by Ric Horner

In the same year as the British Museum put on a blockbuster exhibition called ‘Life and death in Pompeii and Herculaneum’, 2013 (www.britishmuseum.org/pompeii-live) Ric also created a solo show on the subject of the ancient Roman city Pompeii, hoping to transport people back to AD 79 to discover how life was transformed in just 24 hours, when the two cities in the Bay of Naples, southern Italy, were buried by a catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

Hoping to recreate how it looks now, and how it may well have looked during and after the famous eruption of Mount Vesuvius he said:

“Pompeii is paradoxical, the city was once the site of a tremendous environmental catastrophe, but now all is serene and in a state of artful decay. Ironically, its preservation was due to its destruction -had it not been buried by the layers of ash, it would not be here today. In this particular series I tried to convey these unique qualities. When creating the work, I found that I had tapped into a similar colour palette to the one artists used when painting frescos in and around the city before the eruption. This may not have been a coincidence and may be linked to the strong Italian sunlight and its location near the Bay of Naples.”

Ric Horner's Pompeii Art Exhibition
ric's exhibition (1)
Pompeii exhibition
ric's exhibition 025

Another exhibition of Pompeii that is currently running is at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. This show is on until September 2023. (msichicago.org/pompeii)

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Motor Workshop turns Art Gallery

Battersea Park London - Painting by Ric W. Horner

Ric lived at 1-18 Reeves Yard Whitstable from 2002-13 and revamped this old industrial studio in 2012 in order to re-opened it to the public with a rolling exhibition of finished pieces.



Press Release for his latest Open Day on Saturday, 4th May 2013 …..“With the spring weather still evasive, Kent’s finest artist brings sunshine to your home all year round. Ric W. Horner is opening his gallery doors on Saturday, 4th May to present his own, personal colours of the rainbow. He captures moments and places like no camera can. The vividness and energy of his seascapes instantly transport the viewer to the coast on a glorious Summer day complete with breathtaking sunsets – with his passion and love evident in every single piece.



     exhibition Open Day 151


Private View at Reeves Yard Studio





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